Hi, I'm Christoph.
I'm product owner for the Predict team at HeidelbergCement working on predictive analytics, process optimisation and digital products for our cement and ready-mix concrete plants. Before changing to the product owner role in May 2020, I worked as a data scientist and data engineer on a tool for optimal production planning including the data pipelines and web app. You can see a 5 min summary on the data science work at HeidelbergCement that I've contributed to in a lightning talk from the Big Data BBQ in Mannheim on YouTube.
I'm co-organiser of PyData Heidelberg, contact me any time if you have any question or especially if you'd like to give a presentation or lightning talk at one of the upcoming PyData Südwest meetups.
I have a PhD in astrophysics and 10 years experience in data management and data analysis software development (first few years in C++, then mostly Python and PyData stack) within the international scientific collaborations for the H.E.S.S. and CTA gamma-ray telescope arrays.
You can contact me via Deil.Christoph@gmail.com, LinkedIn or Twitter.
The rest of this webpage summarises my work in academia. Someday I'll update this website to reflect my current projects.
I've mainly worked on codes for gamma-ray astronomy data analysis and modeling. First in C++ for a few years, and in recent years mostly in Python. I started and now co-lead the development of Gammapy, a prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array science tools. I've contributed to several other open source projects such as astropy, regions, astroplan, hips, iminuit or gamma-sky.net.
Until recently, ground-based gamma-ray astronomy was done with private data and code, internal to the collaborations that built the telescopes. I started the gamma-astro-data-formats project to create an open data model and format for high-level gamma-ray astronomy data, and lead the task group in H.E.S.S. to export the data into this standard format, resulting in the H.E.S.S. first data release and the first reproducible multi-mission analysis of a gamma-ray source, the joint Crab paper.
I continue this effort to transition to open data and tools in gamma-ray astronomy through my work in H.E.S.S. and CTA, and by organising workshops that include the larger astronomical community: PyGamma15 and PyGamma19.
My scientific focus is the study of the population of cosmic accelerators in the Milky Way. I lead the analysis and modeling of the data from the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey, resulting in the first survey maps and source catalog in very high energy gamma-ray astronomy. I'm now continuing this work, by including data from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, and via simulations for the Galactic plane survey key science program of the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
I have given many talks about gamma-ray astronomy, as well as talks and tutorials on Python. Below a few examples where the materials are online. If you're looking for a speaker or teacher for Python, feel free to contact me.